We need you!

The Saunders County Historical Society relies on donations from people just like you to continue our mission for many years to come.


Donate a Financial contribution

Your monetary donation will continue the mission of the Saunders County Historical Society.

Click below to donate using your credit card.


Donate artifacts

The Saunders County Historical Society relies on donations of artifacts to enhance our collection.

Read our entire collections policy here.

New for 2024!

Become a Heritage Sponsor

Whether you are a business, organization or individual, you can be become a Heritage Sponsor. Heritage Sponsors will be recognized throughout the year and your donation will be put to use to preserve the heritage of Saunders County.

Heritage Sponsor Levels:

Steward - $125-249

Sodbuster - $250-$499

Homesteader - $500-$999

Pioneer - $1,000 +

Thank you for your generosity!